Media Interviews

All in a Weekend with Sonali Karnick: Concordia-UBC Study on family mealtimes call for participants
Listen to Dr. Cohen discuss our new study at Concordia’s PERFORM Centre in Montreal on CBC’s All in a Weekend with Sonali Karnick! This study looks dynamics of family mealtimes with the aim to find out what kids are picking up from their parents.
To participate or learn more about the study, visit our research board

A Conversation about Lifestyle and Body Weight
As part of this year’s Nutrition Month, PERFORM’s new R. Howard Webster Foundation Scientist in Nutrition & Lifestyle, Tamara Cohen, was on CTV Montreal with Mutsumi Takahashi in a conversation about lifestyle changes and their effect on body weight.

How healthy is the cabane à sucre? And does it matter?
Tamara Cohen describes herself as a “very relaxed dietitian” and encourages people to embrace the cabane a sucre experience, but to “be mindful.” She works out of Concordia’s PERFORM Centre and is pictured with dietetics students Angela Lo, left to right, Alexandra Lafond-Brouard and Sara Sorrini.